Phnom Bakheng

Developed at late Ninth century to mid Tenth Century by lord Yasovarman I (889-910). Religion: Hindu (devoted to Shiva). Workmanship style: Bakheng. The development of this sanctuary mountain on Phnom (Bakheng Hill), the first chairman sanctuary to be developed in the Angkor territory, denoted the move of the capital of the Khmer realm from Rolous to Angkor in the late ninth century. It served as lord Yasovarman It's state-sanctuary at the core of his new
capital city Yasodharapura. The establishment of Bakheng is cut from the current rock structure as opposed to the laterite and earthfill of most different sanctuaries. Bakheng`s ridge area makes it the most prominent nightfall area in the region, offering a perspective of the Tonle Sap lake and a far off Angkor Wat in the wilderness. Regularly stuffed at nightfall. Elephant rides up the slope are accessible.
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